Monday, October 25, 2010

WDIV: The Current State of Primetime Preemptions (Halloween II Edition)

So, what is WDIV under the direction of Marla Drutz up to currently? Well, as it happens, they seem to have a special place in their hearts for crushing the holiday dreams of their comedy viewers. Last year, Parks and Rec's Halloween episode fell to the rusty scalpel of Minds of Medicine; this year, Community's Halloween episode (zombie based) is getting the bullet in the undead brain from something called "All 4 Halloween".

Google shows a page on WDIV's horribly busy and hard to navigate web site with the name "All 4 Halloween"; however, it is no longer available. Quite the proud piece, when its web presence has been removed. Here's something interesting;
I wonder if the new All 4 Halloween is just the one from last year? Wouldn't that just be great? It would be so in keeping with the spirit of WDIV's pre-emption; that little extra bit of pointlessness to it that really drives home the contempt WDIV seems to have for the people who actually watch shows from the network. I guess they learned it from watching NBC and the Conan fiasco.

But hey, Community will still be on. At 1:36AM. I guess poor WDIV is still stuck with only Thursdays to jam their half hours of crap into (if you ignore 7-7:30 and 7:30-8 every weeknight, which is apparently something WDIV always chooses to ignore). Oh wait, no they're not; this Saturday, the night before Halloween, they seem to have a repeat of Scared Shrekless (which is premiering Thursday from 8-8:30) followed by a repeat of last year's Monsters Vs. Aliens Halloween special, followed by Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. How fortuitous; perhaps there is time to point out this oversight to them and they can rectify their idiotic schedule.

Stations are pretty well insulated from being contacted by the people who watch their shows, but some of the contact numbers channel 4 puts out there are 313-962-WDIV and 313-222-0500. Or you can call the "Defenders" at 313-223-CALL-4; maybe they can shove some cameras into their own studio and get something done.

Maybe you often see Chuck Gaidica at the gas station. Perhaps you know people who work at WDIV. Perhaps you are friends with people in the programming department. Perhaps you have leverage with Marla Drutz. Maybe you can talk sense to them. Maybe you are one of those people at WDIV, and you're reading this, and you are coming to your senses.

No? Well, perhaps you can be sure to contact any local business sponsoring All 4 Halloween and assure them that their sponsorship of such idiotic programming means you will not be using their services or buying their products. Perhaps you can contact any sponsors WDIV bothers to leave in Community at its 1:36 AM slot and inform them that WDIV is throwing their sponsorship away to be skipped on a DVR or entirely circumvented by being watched online. I'll do my best to provide a list of them.

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